Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is GYPSO gypsum-based plaster, and how is it made?

GYPSO gypsum-based plaster is a building material made from by-product gypsum, a soft sulfate mineral composed of calcium sulfate dehydrate (CaSO4.2H20). It is then made by heating by-product gypsum to reduce the water content down to CaSO4.0.5H20, which results in a dry powder that is then mixed with filler water and other additives to create a workable plaster paste.

2. What is the Chemical Formula for Gypsum?

The main components of gypsum are calcium sulfate (CaSO4) and water (H2O). Its chemical name is Calcium Sulphate Dihydrate and the chemical formula of gypsum is represented as CaSO4.2H2O.

3. What are the advantages of using gypsum plaster over cement sand plaster?

GYPSO gypsum-based plaster has several advantages over cement sand plaster, including higher compressive strength, stronger adhesion, faster drying time, and a smoother finish. It is also eco-friendlier and has a lower carbon footprint than cement sand plaster.

4. Is GYPSO gypsum-based plaster more environmentally friendly than cement sand plaster?

GYPSO gypsum-based plaster is more environmentally friendly than cement sand plaster because it requires less energy to produce and has a lower carbon footprint.

5. How does GYPSO gypsum-based plaster affect indoor air quality compared to cement sand plaster?

GYPSO gypsum-based plaster is a by-product that does not contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or other harmful substances into the air.

Cement sand plaster, on the other hand, can contain harmful substances such as silica and lime, which can be released into the air during the mixing and application process. When inhaled, these substances can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems and other health issues.

6. What is the curing process for GYPSO gypsum-based plaster compared to cement sand plaster?

Cement sand plaster requires a curing period after it has been applied to a surface. During this time, the plaster is kept moist to allow it to set and harden properly. While gypsum-based plaster does not require a curing period, only natural curing is needed.

Overall, the curing process for gypsum-based plaster is much faster and simpler than that of cement sand plaster, reducing construction time and manpower for many construction projects.