GYPSO Render

GYPSO Render is a by-product, gypsum-based render for internal walls that is applied as the finishing coat onto a new or existing building in a single operation, that results in a monolithic surface with excellent compressive strength and is resistant to cracking as well as having outstanding fire, thermal, acoustic and seismic qualities.


  • Applied as final render coat for internal walls and ceilings
  • Thermal insulation of residential and industrial concrete buildings
  • Save energy consumption related to heating and cooling
  • Used for internal dry conditions on concrete, brick, masonry, block walls, rough surfaces, gypsum block walls or panel walls


  • Excellent thermal insulation properties
  • Contains unique organic, mineral-based, binding agent that for a very robust and crack resistant render
  • Excellent adhesion/bonding strength
  • Excellent fire-resistant qualities
  • High impact and high strength
  • Monolithic – No joints and crack resistant
  • Excellent seismic properties
  • Easy application with uniform work flow enables high productivity & superior finishing
  • Short curing (setting) time – reduces build time
  • Reducing water absorption
  • Green product with energy saving properties

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